August Prayer Newsletter from Youth Action Ministries

Youth Action Ministries Website

Hello From Tony Rizzo - America’s Youth Evangelist,

Praise the Lord! Thank you for your prayers for us. We are getting ready for our fall and winter quarters of Safety Zones. We are looking for churches that would like for our ministry to hold a Youth or Kids Safety Zone for their ministry. We have several open dates this fall/winter. Call or email Tony for more information on our Safety Zone ministry to churches. We are also looking for churches to book our Conferences Teaching Ministry of Evangelism / Encouragement teaching for your church.

Operation Youth Safety Zone 2025: Our ministry is starting an exciting, exceptional support-raising goal of needing $50,000.00 for our 2025 Youth Safety Zone Outreaches. We are raising this support to help cover the cost of holding 20 Youth Safety Zones throughout Philadelphia and its vicinity. This will allow us to minister effectively to over 1000 students with gospel and discipleship materials and programs. Would you help us reach this goal by the end of 2024? This will set us on an intense path of reaching youth for Christ. Please consider being one of our partners in helping us with this lofty goal. You can learn more about this special Operation Youth Safety Zone 2025 on our website, . Please use the enclosed return support flyer for your love gift support of this project. We will dedicate this special gift to our 2025 YSZs. Thank you for your care and love for the gospel in this needy city and at this time. Never before has there been a time of desperate need to give the gospel to the youth in Philadelphia than today. Please help us take a stand against the forces of destruction that want to hurt today's youth.

Becky is healing and showing signs of full recovery. The chronic illness of Lupus is still very active in her system. We are now resting in the Lord and will continue seeking guidance from the medical community. We hope and pray that she will learn to manage this disease and have no more effects on her body. Please keep her in your prayers, and thank you for praying for us and this ongoing need in her life.

Thank you to everyone who generously supported us with Becky's medical bills. We have covered 90% of the costs and will continue working with the hospital to address the remaining 10% ($1,900.00). Your help means the world to us in this particular love project.

Our summer has been a mix of ministering to church meetings and Kids Safety Zones and taking time to rest. Please remember us in your prayers and our Youthfluential ministry. Recently, in our Kids Safety Zones, we have seen several dozen youths make decisions to follow the Lord in salvation, and some have taken the next step of Baptism, for which we are so thankful. We continue to see thousands respond to our Youthfluential videos and digital communications, sharing the gospel in many different formats! As we plan our Youth Safety Zones and Safety Zones for the remainder of the year, we hope hundreds of students will attend our meetings. To prepare for these meetings, we created an "Amazon Wish List" with the necessary supplies. Our supplies for the year have been depleted, and we are now restocking for the remaining months. You can view our Amazon Wish List on our website's Youth Safety Zone page:

Special Prayer Requests:

  1. Becky: Please remember her to be healed and grow stronger each day. As of August 1, Becky is slowly recuperating from the lupus flare-up. It will be a long time before she is 100%. Thank you for your prayers.
  2. Tony: Please remember Tony in prayer for a ripped cartilage in his right leg. Pray for healing. The leg is doing much better. August 1
  3. Equipment: We have an "Amazon Wish List" for our supplies. We need Safety Zone Supplies. To help with this growing ministry's needs, visit our website,, under the Youth Safety Zone page and on Streets Safety Zone Page.
  4. Upcoming Youth Safety and Street Safety Zones: We have several outreaches planned for the fall
  5. Our Second Quarter Budget was short by 10%, $2,700.00. Please remember us in your prayers for this need in our ministry. This shortfall directly affects our salary, which Tony has not taken this quarter.

In Christ Love,
Dr. Tony Rizzo
Joshua 1:8
Executive Director
Youth Action Ministries
Statement of Faith

Youth Action Ministries

Here at Youth Action, we strive to share the Gospel of Christ wherever people may be found. Whether indoors or out, we want to reach people with the Good News of salvation by grace through Christ. We share the Gospel through various methods such as sketch board messages, object lessons, music, and Gospel-oriented “magic” tricks. These are designed to engage people’s attention and share Christ with them.

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Youth Action Ministries Website Hello From Tony Rizzo - America's Youth Evangelist, Praise the Lord! Thank you for your prayers for us. We are getting ready for our fall and winter quarters of Safety Zones. We are looking for churches that would like for our ministry to hold a Youth or Kids Safety Zone for their ministry. We have several open dates this fall/winter. Call or email Tony for more information on our Safety Zone ministry to churches. [Phone 6103486101 Tonys Cell or...

Youth Action Ministries Website Hello From Tony Rizzo - Americas Youth Evangelist, Praise the Lord! We have seen remarkable things in our Tonys Tales Conferences/Kids Safety Zones. We just finished our conference with Chichester Baptist Church in Chichester, PA. Becky and I had the privilege of ministering each day for a week to the youth of this church. Tony shared his messages on the paint board and gospel illustrations each night. The students continued to come out each night and brought...

Youth Action Ministries Website Hello From Tony Rizzo - Americas Youth Evangelist, Praise the Lord! As we start off June. We have come through a massive battle with Becky fighting off several diseases. She has been diagnosed with Lupus, an autoimmune deficiency which, at times, flares up and attacks her lungs and heart. After several weeks in and out of the hospitals and doctor’s offices, she seems to be doing much better. She has some therapy and management of this new diagnosis to be taken...