June Prayer Newsletter from Youth Action Ministries

Youth Action Ministries Website

Hello From Tony Rizzo - Americas Youth Evangelist,

Praise the Lord! As we start off June. We have come through a massive battle with Becky fighting off several diseases. She has been diagnosed with Lupus, an autoimmune deficiency which, at times, flares up and attacks her lungs and heart. After several weeks in and out of the hospitals and doctor’s offices, she seems to be doing much better. She has some therapy and management of this new diagnosis to be taken care of in the future. Please keep us in your prayers over it all. We would appreciate it so much. Thank you to the many who have been praying for us and keeping Becky in your prayers. We have truly benefitted from it all. The picture up top was taken on May 29, 2024!

We had a wonderful week of Safety Zone Meetings in Philadelphia. Our team of associate evangelists and other team members came together for several days to minister the gospel to the many in Kensington, Philadelphia. We saw great results from several praying for salvation and asking for prayer for their needs to be delivered from the gris of the enemy and drug addiction. Prayer changes things! Please keep our team in prayer as we continue to go out and minister the gospel in the Street Safety Zones.

Our Youth Safety Zone was once again a well-received outreach by several dozen teenagers. We praise the Lord for the team members and associate evangelists who helped make this a great success. It is a life-changing event that changes lives for the Lord. So many students came out wanting Bible studies, Bibles, and spending time with our team and in counseling. It is a fantastic outreach and event. Thank you for your prayers for us, and please keep us in your prayers as we continue to reach out to the many students in the inner city of Philadelphia.

Youth Action Center: Tony finished his fourth ministry book, The Ultimate Guide To Youth Ministry. He put together quite extensive research on how to have an effective and thriving youth ministry. We just finished our 14th book on youth and evangelism ministry. There, you can check out all of our books. One of Tony's great privileges is writing and developing ministry materials, specifically books on evangelism and youth ministry. This is an excellent investment into other youth leaders and pastors as they learn to grow their youth ministries. Since Tony has over 43 years of ministry experience in this field, it is time he gave back to the many who can take his ministry lessons and apply them to their ministry. Please remember us in prayer as we continue to take the gospel out, even in developing materials and books and investing in young people's lives.

Upcoming Safety Zones: From July 29 to August 1, we will take a team of Associate Evangelists and YAM Team Members out to minister in our Street, Youth, and Kids Safety Zones. Please keep us in your prayers as we prepare to go to the inner city and minister the gospel. We also have several Kids Safety Zones coming up in June.

Several books I have written about Youth Leadership in ministry are available on Amazon for sale. We are excited about getting great books and materials to encourage youth and train youth leaders. You can check out all our books on our AMAZON AUTHORS PAGE. CHECK IT OUT HERE: https://www.amazon.com/author/drtonyrizzo. You may want to purchase one and give it to your youth leaders at your church. You won't be disappointed. You could also buy these for your church's library, where you have a gospel impact on the many children in your church's children's ministry.

Books for the Leaders in Your Life

Evangelistic Training Material for a Successful Youth Ministry

Special Prayer Requests:

  1. Becky: Please remember her to be healed and grow stronger each day. June 1, Becky is slowly recuperating from the Lupus flare-up. It will be a long time before she is 100%. Thank you for your prayers.
  2. Tony: Please remember Tony in prayer for a ripped cartilage in his right leg. Pray for healing. The leg is doing much better
  3. Equipment: We have an "Amazon Wish List" for our supplies. We need Safety Zone Supplies. To help with this growing ministry's needs, visit our website, www.YouthActionMinistries.com, under the Youth Safety Zone page and on www.DrTonyRizzo.com's Streets Safety Zone Page.
  4. Upcoming Youth Safety and Street Safety Zones for June - July. We have several outreaches planned for June
  5. We have an outstanding hospital bill for Becky’s stay, totaling $19,000. Several friends have helped us so far, and we have $7,000 in. If you would like to help us with our bill, you can send a gift to our ministry; thank you so very much. We need $12,000.00 to complete this bill.

In Christ Love,
Dr. Tony Rizzo
Joshua 1:8
Executive Director
Youth Action Ministries
Statement of Faith

Youth Action Ministries

Here at Youth Action, we strive to share the Gospel of Christ wherever people may be found. Whether indoors or out, we want to reach people with the Good News of salvation by grace through Christ. We share the Gospel through various methods such as sketch board messages, object lessons, music, and Gospel-oriented “magic” tricks. These are designed to engage people’s attention and share Christ with them.

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Youth Action Ministries Website Hello From Tony Rizzo - America's Youth Evangelist, Praise the Lord! Thank you for your prayers for us. We are getting ready for our fall and winter quarters of Safety Zones. We are looking for churches that would like for our ministry to hold a Youth or Kids Safety Zone for their ministry. We have several open dates this fall/winter. Call or email Tony for more information on our Safety Zone ministry to churches. [Phone 6103486101 Tonys Cell or...

Youth Action Ministries Website Hello From Tony Rizzo - America’s Youth Evangelist, Praise the Lord! Thank you for your prayers for us. We are getting ready for our fall and winter quarters of Safety Zones. We are looking for churches that would like for our ministry to hold a Youth or Kids Safety Zone for their ministry. We have several open dates this fall/winter. Call or email Tony for more information on our Safety Zone ministry to churches. We are also looking for churches to book our...

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