May Prayer Newsletter from Youth Action Ministries

Youth Action Ministries Website

Hello From Tony Rizzo - Americas Youth Evangelist,

The past six weeks have been unusually stressful for Becky and me. Becky has been battling a flare-up of several different chronic illnesses. To start in January, a simple flu turned into a heart inflammation. This led to pneumonia. Then, her autoimmune deficiency flared up and caused her body to stop producing iron and other critical blood-related problems. By April 20, she was so physically depressed and had no strength left. We spent the next week at the hospital seeking answers to her problems. She now has a team of specialists investigating her different complications, and she is on several medicines and therapies. We are still unsure what caused the flare-up of her autoimmune system. We are learning daily how to strengthen it and keep the discipline to keep her body as healthy as possible. Please remember her in your prayers. Some have asked about our hospital bills. At this time, we are unsure of the exact amount owed. We believe we owe well over 10 thousand. We hope and seek the Lord's grace over this new bill and are confident the Lord will supply our every need. Please keep us in your prayers over it all; thank you.

Upcoming Safety Zones: On May 21-24, we will send a team of adults to minister in our Street, Youth, and Kids Safety Zones. Please keep us in your prayers as we prepare to go to the inner city and minister the gospel.

Youth Action Center: Tony finished his fourth ministry book, The Ultimate Guide To Youth Ministry. He put together quite extensive research on how to have an effective and thriving youth ministry. You can check it out on our websitedrtonyrizzo.comand our Amazon site - There, you can check out all of our books. One of my greatest privileges is writing and developing ministry materials, specifically books on evangelism and youth ministry. This is an excellent investment into other youth leaders and pastors as they learn to grow their youth ministries. With over 40 years of ministry experience in this field, we can give back to the many who can take our ministry lessons and apply them to their ministry. Please remember us in prayer as we continue to take the gospel out, even in developing materials and books and investing in young people's lives.

Books for the Leaders in Your Life

Evangelistic Training Material for a Successful Youth Ministry

Several books I have written about Youth Leadership in ministry are available on Amazon for sale. We are excited about getting great books and materials to encourage youth and train youth leaders. I now have three books on coaching youth leaders in running a youth ministry and helping the many hurting youth in their ministries. I want to help youth leaders learn about having successful youth ministries. You may want to purchase one and give it to your youth leaders at your church. You won't be disappointed. You could also buy these for your church's library, where you have a gospel impact on the many children in your church's children's ministry. You can visit our Amazon wish list through our website; please visit our website at You can also go to the Authors page on our website and order books for yourself. There, you can order these books so we can give them to the many children we meet and counsel the gospel with. We have given away over 500 children's books in the last 24 months!

Special Prayer Requests:

  1. Becky: Please remember her to be healed and grow stronger each day.
  2. Tony: Please remember Tony in prayer for a ripped cartilage in his right leg. Pray for healing. The leg is doing much better
  3. Equipment: We have an "Amazon Wish List" for our supplies. We need Safety Zone Supplies. To help with this growing ministry's needs, visit our website, ​​, under the Youth Safety Zone page and on's Streets Safety Zone Page.
  4. Upcoming Youth Safety and Street Safety Zones for May and June
  5. Our support level has been steady at 80% for the first quarter. Some friends have helped make up our ongoing deficit. What a true encouragement! Please pray for our support funds to be increased, and thank you to the many who support us.

In Christ Love,
Dr. Tony Rizzo
Joshua 1:8
Executive Director
Youth Action Ministries
Statement of Faith

Youth Action Ministries

Here at Youth Action, we strive to share the Gospel of Christ wherever people may be found. Whether indoors or out, we want to reach people with the Good News of salvation by grace through Christ. We share the Gospel through various methods such as sketch board messages, object lessons, music, and Gospel-oriented “magic” tricks. These are designed to engage people’s attention and share Christ with them.

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Youth Action Ministries Website Hello From Tony Rizzo - America's Youth Evangelist, Praise the Lord! Thank you for your prayers for us. We are getting ready for our fall and winter quarters of Safety Zones. We are looking for churches that would like for our ministry to hold a Youth or Kids Safety Zone for their ministry. We have several open dates this fall/winter. Call or email Tony for more information on our Safety Zone ministry to churches. [Phone 6103486101 Tonys Cell or...

Youth Action Ministries Website Hello From Tony Rizzo - America’s Youth Evangelist, Praise the Lord! Thank you for your prayers for us. We are getting ready for our fall and winter quarters of Safety Zones. We are looking for churches that would like for our ministry to hold a Youth or Kids Safety Zone for their ministry. We have several open dates this fall/winter. Call or email Tony for more information on our Safety Zone ministry to churches. We are also looking for churches to book our...

Youth Action Ministries Website Hello From Tony Rizzo - Americas Youth Evangelist, Praise the Lord! We have seen remarkable things in our Tonys Tales Conferences/Kids Safety Zones. We just finished our conference with Chichester Baptist Church in Chichester, PA. Becky and I had the privilege of ministering each day for a week to the youth of this church. Tony shared his messages on the paint board and gospel illustrations each night. The students continued to come out each night and brought...